
Get Microsoft Office For Practically Free

I've spoken about this before but with the new version of Office released I thought I would remind everyone about the Microsoft Office Home Use Program. If you haven't heard of it before you might be wondering why Microsoft would essentially give away one of their most important software packages for next to nothing. Well, I think it comes down to training. From Microsoft's perspective the more people who know how to use Office, the more people and organizations will purchase the software. The benefit to an organization is clear. If their employees are using Office at home, they require less training on Office at work. It's a pretty good benefit.

Anyway, you can find out if your workplace offers the Home Use Program from the following site:


Make the Windows Start Screen More Like the Start Menu

I’ve figured out a way to make the Windows 8 Start screen more like the traditional Windows Start menu.  By adding shortcuts to the typical items you would find such as My Computer, or your User folder you can easily access them without too much difficulty.

In addition, I added shortcuts to the power options used for restart and shutdown, thanks to an article I found on How-to Geek.  Just add shortcuts to the following commands:

Shutdown Computer

Shutdown.exe -s -t 00

Restart Computer

Shutdown.exe -r -t 00

You can use alternate icons by going to the properties window of these new shortcuts and selecting a new icon such as I have in the screenshot above.

Windows 8 Again

I've been using Windows 8 again.  I know, I must be a glutton for punishment, but I really want to try and make a go of it. 

I was amazed today when I had to Google how to log off of my user account.  They really have “reimagined” Windows.  Logging off was tied to shutting down and restarting, however now to log off you click on the tile that represents you as a user in the upper right corner of the Start screen. A drop down appears with the options for Change account picture, Lock and Sign out.

Is this all a cruel prank by Steven Sinofsky on the eve of his departure from Microsoft?